Issue fix “MicrosoftExchangeServiceHost” Crash : March 2022 Security Update

Some Exchange systems after installing the March 2022 Security Update, you may receive errors related to the “Microsoft Exchange Service Host” service may crash repeatedly.

Event ID 4999 (Application Log)
Watson report about to be sent for process id: 4564, with parameters: E12IIS, c-RTL-AMD64, 15.01.2375.024, M.Exchange.ServiceHost, M.Exchange.Diagnostics, M.E.D.ChainedSerializationBinder.LoadType, M.E.Diagnostics.BlockedDeserializeTypeException, c0e9-dumptidset, 15.01.2375.024.

Root Cause; If there are any expired certificates or certificates nearing expiration on the Exchange Server.
Workaroud; Replace any expired certificates and, if you are on Exchange Server 2016 or Exchange Server 2019, follow these steps:

  • Must have temporary full access to the arbitration mailbox
    Get-Mailbox -Arbitration "SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9}" | Add-MailboxPermission -User AdminAccount -AccessRights FullAccess
  • Run the Remove Expiry Notification script from Exchange Management Shell (user with full permission assigned to arbitration mailbox)
    Remove-CertExpiryNotifications.ps1 -Server ExchangeServer -Confirm:$false
  • Check all the messages are deleted , again run script it should report that there are no messages present in the folder
    Remove-CertExpiryNotifications.ps1 -Server ExchangeServer -WhatIf
  • Start the MSExchangeServiceHost service and confirm that it is not crashing
  • Revoke the full access permission
    Get-Mailbox -Arbitration "SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9}" | Remove-MailboxPermission -User AdminAccount -AccessRights FullAccess
  • Renew any certificates that expire

Have a nice day !