Hyper-V Virtual Switches

The structures Virtual Network and Virtual Switch, these are the components that our virtual servers running on virtualization platforms need for network communication.

Virtual switches also work exactly like physical switches ones. However, the type of your virtual switches will determine which function it will implement.

Virtual switches are very important and necessary for your virtual servers to communicate with your environment.
Therefore, all server virtualization platforms have virtual network technology.
Only the configuration parts can be different.
As a result, they all consist of 3 virtual network types.

  • External Virtual Switch
  • Internal Virtual Switch
  • Private Virtual Switch

External Virtual Switch
This switch type should be used when virtual machines are required to communicate with systems on the physical network.

It can be systems on a physical network, physical servers in your environment, virtual servers on Hyper-V or other servers & services outside.

“External Virtual Switch” are used for your virtual servers to communicate with the external environment.

In order for the External Virtual Switch you created to communicate with the physical network, it must be plugged into the physical network port.
Your virtual servers connected to Virtual Switch use your physical port as a common connection.

Internal Virtual Switch
It can only access your virtual servers in its host.
Therefore, it will only communicate with the host and other virtual servers in the host.
If you connect your virtual servers to Internal Virtual Switch, can’t communication to physical networks.
If you are going to use “Internal Virtual Switch”, you must also add a virtual network card connected to this switch on the Hyper-V host.
Your virtual servers with this type of virtual switch can run at 10Gbps.
Because communication is provided with VMBus protocol.
The existence of any physical port is not required.

Private Virtual Switch
It is used for your virtual servers on an existing host that you want to communication to only among themselves.
With Private Virtual Switches, you create a completely isolated network.
The existence of any physical port is not required.

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