How to Fix Exchange Server EventID 15021 HttpEvent

If you get “Connection to remote server” / “ClientAccessServer = EXCHANGE, BackEndServer = EXCHANGE” error while opening Exchange Management Shell on your Exchange Servers and the Management Shell connects to another server that is a member of Exchange DAG.

If you get Event: 15021, HttpEvent error in the event logs like the following;

Open IIS Manager –> Sites –> Exchange Back End Sites

Check you https protocol “Exchange Back End” Binding

There is a must be self-signed “Microsoft Exchange” certificate here, if not here , it may have expired and you need to renew it on the Exchange ECP console or MMC console.

Have a nice day!

Azure Hybrid and Multicloud Event

Build your strategy for fueling innovation and productivity with comprehensive solutions from Azure—the cloud built for hybrid.

Register now for this free digital event to:

  • Get the latest announcements about Azure Arc–enabled data services as well as news about other Azure Arc and Azure Stack HCI offerings.
  • Hear customers discuss how they’re using Azure to achieve their goals and turn their hybrid strategies into reality.
  • Watch demos of Azure hybrid solutions being used in customer environments.
  • Learn how to get the most out of your hybrid investments with insights from Azure leaders, product experts, and partners.

May 2021 Exchange Server Security Updates

Microsoft Exchange Servers security updates have been released for May 2021.

These updates are available for the following specific builds of Exchange Server:

Exchange Server 2013 CU23
Exchange Server 2016 CU19 and CU20
Exchange Server 2019 CU8 and CU9

Recommendation is to install these updates immediately to protect your environment.
You can installation security patches if you are in the specified Cumulative Update(CU) versions.

If you aren’t in the specified cumulative updates, you must first installation cumulative updates.

Note : Don't double-click the 'MSP file' to run it. Run Command Prompt (not powershell) as an Administrator.

Further Information and Guidance
Exchange Team Blog
Vulnerabilities and Exposures
Security Update Guide
Cumulative Update “Tell me the steps

Have a nice day!

How to Get Domain Controller Information with Powershell

You can use the script below to discover your Domain Controller servers in your system.

(Get-ADForest).Domains | % { Get-ADDomainController -Discover -DomainName $_ } | % { Get-ADDomainController -server $_.Name -filter * }

ComputerObjectDN : Domain Controller Object Distinguished Name
DefaultPartition : Domain Partition
Domain : Domain Name
Enabled : Domain Status
Forest : Active Directory Forest Name
HostName : Domain Controller Host Name
InvocationId : The invocation ID identifies the version or the instantiation of the Active Directory database that is running on a given domain controller.
IPv4Address : Domain Controller IPv4 Address
IPv6Address : Domain Controller IPv6 Address
IsGlobalCatalog : Active Directory Global Catalog Status
IsReadOnly : Read-Only Domain Controllers Status
LdapPort : Domain Controller Ldap Port Number
Name : Domain Controller Computer Name
NTDSSettingsObjectDN : NTDS Settings Object Distinguished Name
OperatingSystem : Domain Controller Operation System
OperatingSystemHotfix : Domain Controller Operation Hotfix
OperatingSystemServicePack : Domain Controller Operation System Service Pack
OperatingSystemVersion : Domain Controller Operation System Version Build Number
OperationMasterRoles : Active Directory Flexible Single Master Operation (FSMO) Roles
Partitions : Domain Controller Partitions
ServerObjectDN : Server Object Distinguished Name
ServerObjectGuid : Server Object GUID Vaule
Site : Active Directory Site Name
SslPort : Domain Controller Ssl Port Number

You can customize the above criteria according to your needs and list them using the select command.

Example shell :

(Get-ADForest).Domains | % { Get-ADDomainController -Discover -DomainName $_ } | % { Get-ADDomainController -server $_.Name -filter * } | Select Name, Domain, Forest, IPv4Address, Site ,OperatingSystem, Operating
SystemVersion, OperationMasterRoles,IsGlobalCatalog | ft ( or Out-GridView)

Have a nice day!

How to Move Exchange Queue

If you need to move the Exchange queue , you can follow the steps below.

1-Suspend Message Queue
Get-Message -Server ExcSrv | Suspend-Message

2-Export Suspend Message
Get-Message -Server ExcSrv | ForEach-Object {$Temp="E:\Export\"+$_.InternetMessageID+".eml";$Temp=$Temp.Replace("<","");$Temp=$Temp.Replace(">","");Export-Message $_.Identity | AssembleMessage -Path $Temp}

3-It is sufficient to move the exported mails to the Replay folder to enable resending.
Path –> “Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Replay”

Note : Run Exchange Management Shell as an Administrator .

Have a nice day!